Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Looking back, looking forward June 23, 2021.

Its been super hot these last couple of weeks here in Taos so I'm spending a lot more time indoors. The no-see-ums are also really bad now. I found a box labelled Karrak Log and Pix, and found my log and a camera card from my trip to Queen Maude Gulf Bird Sanctuary from 2014. So I've been going through them and re-visiting that wonderfully icy and wide open place, full of unique wildlife. A great escape from the heat and bugs.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I didn't remember you had made such a fabulous trip. Good idea to go back to a cooler time! Hope the weather lets up. Here we had some hot weather (although in the mountains here it's never unbearable), but then we had a huge tempest and it's gotten cooler. Cheers from Jonchères
