Thursday, October 31, 2019

Eagle Nest and Embudo, March.

 Touch-me-not Mtn., Eagle Nest, 3/29.
 White Pelicans on their way north, Eagle Nest Lake, 3/29.
 Apricot in bloom at Embudo, 3/30.
Rio Embudo entering the Rio Grande, 3/30.
Orchard in bloom, Embudo, 3/30.

Spring is in the air, March 2019. San Luis Valley, CO.

 San Luis Valley, view of the Sangres, 3/19.
 Sandhill cranes heading north, 3/19.
 Sangres at Crestone.
 Sandhills over Taos, 3/21.
Talpa valley, 3/21.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Unique views from the trail cam.

 Iridescent plumage of the magpie.
 A robin caught in mid-flight.
 The building inspector. (Mtn. Chickadee)
2nd magpie nest with roof and side entrance, 3/22.

Nest building continued. March '19.

 Pair at nest, 3/19.
 Floor mudded.
 Tight quarters.
Fine elm twigs being added.

Magpie nest building 101. Trail camera, Talpa.

 Big sticks for the framing, 3/7.
 They are expert at getting the big sticks into place, 3/11.
 Fresh snow on nest, 3/14.
 The inner weave, 3/19. Note floor has been mudded.

A mid-March hike on San Antonio Mtn.

 View SE from San Antonio Mtn. to Taos, 3/17.
 View east to the Latirs.
 Ute Mountain with Costilla Range behind.
 Stone vortex.
 Mountain Bluebird.

Late winter, Taos, March, '19.

 Flag Mountain, 3/10.
 New magpie nest under construction, 3/13.
 El Salto, 3/14.
 El Salto, "the leap", East side, 3/16.
 Bear sign, 3/16.
El Salto creek, 3/16.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

March birds and mountains, and the first lizard.

 Cedar waxwing eating Russian olives, 3/4.
 And robins feasting.
 Taos Mountain, 3/5.
 Red willows blushing, 3/8.
The first lizard of the year, 3/9.

Winter mountains and birds, March.

 El Salto, 2/27.
 Cedar Waxwing at Ojo Caliente, 3/1.
 Lewis's woodpecker, 3/2.
Studio floor, 3/4.

Winter in Northern NM, Feb. 2019.

 Santa Fe Baldy, 2/25.
 Truchas Peaks, 2/25.
 Road to Trampas Lakes, 2/25.
 Jicarita Peak, 2/26.
Taos Mountains, 2/27.