Friday, December 21, 2018

Critters at Cochise Stronghold.

 Granite(?) Spiny lizard, 11/15.

Cochise Stronghold, Arizona.

 View east from Cochise Stronghold, 11/14.
 Coral bean.
 Butterflies in November!11/14.
Wild grasses.

El Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora.

 Murre? skull.
 Lizard tracks in the dunes, 11/10.
 Western or Clark's grebe.
 Hundreds of caterpillars eating the flush of plants from the first winter rains.
The blooming desert, 11/11.

Into Sonora, to El Golfo de Santa Clara.

 Flat-tailed horned lizard, El Golfo, 11/8.
 Badlands at El Golfo.
 Eroding cliffs at El Golfo, 11/9.
Sand dollars.

Around Yuma.

 Ocotillo with fresh flush of leaves, 11/5.
 Beetle tracks, Gila Mtns.
 Side-blotched lizard, Kofa Mtns.,11/6.
Castle Dome Mtns.

The road to Yuma, Arizona.

 Ripe dates at Palmdale, 11/3.
 Gila River at Yuma, 11/4.
 Black-crowned night heron, Gila R., Yuma.
The Colorado River at Yuma, 11/5.

Changing latitudes and seasons. North to south in November.

 Sandhill cranes at their wintering grounds in the Uvas Valley, southwest NM, 11/2.
 A mantis on the side of the highway near Benson, AZ., 11/3.
 Desert campsite, near Eagletail Mtns. AZ.
A late blooming shrub, 11/3.

Going south, leaving too soon.

 Quarteles, 10/30.
 My favorite cottonwood, Canyon Rd., Santa Fe. This year left unpainted, 11/1.
Alameda cottonwood, 11/1.

Saturday, December 8, 2018