Wednesday, June 27, 2018

May's end.

 Despite the drought the yuccas bloomed, 5/25.
 One of my neighbors, 5/25. A male Collared lizard.
 A female neighbor.
The couple, 5/29.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Taos Mountains, May.

 Last of the snow, Kachina Peak 5/21.
 Serviceberry blossoms, Twining, 5/21.
Time to shed, Taos gorge, 5/24.

Back down to spring, May.

 Spring willows at Horca, 5/18.
 Fresh aspen growth along the Conejos R., CO.
 El Salto, 5/20.
Band-tailed pigeon, Twining, 5/21.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Red Lake, CO., parting shots.

 I found multiple hollows in the east facing snow banks where either Blue grouse or Ptarmigan slept through a storm and left their deposits.
 Anyone for a cool dip?
My only snow slide of the year! 5/18.

Red Lake, CO.

 Lesser scaup pair, 5/18.
First growth, Arrowhead, Wapato, Sagittaria cuneata? at inlet to lake.

Red Lake camp, May 17-18.

 Sunset at Red Lake, 5/17.
 Tea time.
 The lake mostly frozen.
A pair of Lesser scaup on some open water.

Back to the edge of winter. Red Lake, CO. May 17-18.

 The beginning of the trail, 5/17. 70 to 90% of the spruce/fir are now dead (beetle kill).
 Further up. Good thing I brought my snowshoes!
 Arctic landscape.
First signs of life, 5/17

Monday, June 11, 2018

Zink's pond, Durango, CO., birding hotspot.

 Zink's pond, an oasis in the Animas River valley, S. of Durango.
 Lots of displaying and chasing among the Common mergansers, 5/15.
 A few Wilson's phalaropes foraging in the wakes of Cinnamon teal.
And two male Bobolinks! Dolichonyx oryzivorus!

Navaho Peak to Durango via Pagosa hotsprings, May 15.

 North to Pagosa.
 My favorite rest stop, Pagosa hotspring, on the San Juan River.
A spectacular Cecropia moth with a 6" wingspan, rescued from sidewalk in front of Walmart, Durango, and released in green space along the Animas River, 5/15.

A brief trip to Colorado, May 15-18.

 Navaho Peak, near Chromo, 5/15. Oaks just leafing out.
 Ring-necked duck pair at Price Lakes, possibly nesting here?
My only view of a displaying Blue grouse this year!

Back to the edge of winter, Costilla Range.

 May 13th in the Costilla Range.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Spring blossoms, and pairings.

 Flowering crabapple(?) 5/6.
 Precious fleeting spring, 5/6.
Common merganser pair, Costilla Cr., 5/13.

Looking back to May.

 The month started with an influx of Evening grosbeaks, "parrots of the north", Taos 5/1.
 And we had our last snowfall, very short-lived, 5/4.
 Ah, Spring! 5/4.
And new life, 5/5. (American dipper nest)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A couple of interesting mammals this spring.

 This is a shot of a locally rare Whitetail deer at Rinconada by Sarah Nelson, April 25.
And this big winter bobcat at a trail camera on Vermejo Park Ranch, March 10.