Saturday, April 21, 2018

Incubation, April, 2018.

 Dipper in nest, incubating, 4/12.
Mourning dove incubating 2 eggs.

Signs of spring, Taos, April.

 Rams on the run, 4/1.
 Taos spring, 4/7.
 A big Gopher snake "drinking" at the river, 4/7.
First rainstorm and rainbow of the year! 4/8.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Rough-legged hawk, March 25.

 Rough-legged hawk, Taos County, 3/25. Probably the last one I will see until next winter, when these arctic breeders return.
The Rio Grande Gorge, April 1st.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018