Thursday, May 19, 2016

April in SE Idaho. Declarations and displays.

 W. meadowlark heralds the day, 4/19.
 Strutting his stuff!
 All puffed up.
Check this out!

April in SE Idaho, Rockland Valley, American Falls.

 Rockland Valley, 4/15.
 Northern harrier hunting, 4/16.
 Black-necked stilt in a roadside pond, 4/16.
 American white pelicans after fish at American Falls dam (chopped by turbines?) 4/16.
Canada goose on nest on hay bale, 4/16.

April in SE Idaho, Sage Grouse and Sharp-tailed grouse lekking.

 Greater sage grouse on lek in Owyhee Mountains, SW Idaho, 4/4.
 Sharp-tailed grouse male displaying for hen (who is looking the other way!) 4/10.
 Sharp-tail male displaying, 4/10.
Camera trap image at sunrise, 4/12.

Playing catch-up. Leaving NM for Idaho, April 1st.

 April 1st. The Rio Hondo Valley after a fresh snow, as I leave for Idaho.
 Near Chromo, Colorado, 4/1.
The edge of spring north of Durango, 4/1.