Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Transition, winter to spring, March in NM

 Buffleheads, Ring-necked ducks, and Cinnamon teal at a local pond, 3/8.
 A pair of Canvasbacks, 3/8.
 Apricots in full splendor, 3/11, Santa Fe.
 Bighorn ram, Taos gorge, 3/13.
Long after the rut, still acting out, 3/13.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

February to March, winter to spring.

 Male Ring-necked duck on the Rio Grande, 2/29. The female was nearby. Only a few winter ducks left on the Rio.
 Santa Fe Baldy and Lake Peak from Cuarteles badlands, 3/1. I got my first sunburn, and saw my first lizard of the year.
Santa Fe Baldy and the big burn from Quarteles badlands, 3/1.

Late February, warm spell.

 Cattail marsh, Ohkay Owinge, 2/25.
 The lone cottonwood, Pilar hill, 2/25.
 The Rio on the rise, 2/29.
5 bighorn lamb/yearlings, 2/29.