Friday, February 26, 2016

Spring migration, late February under the flyway.

 Taos Mtns from Cerro Azul, 2/20.
 Sandhill cranes over 2 Peaks, 2/23.
 Its a great feeling witnessing this return, the promise of spring coming.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Red crossbill at Tres Piedras, Feb. 20th.

 Male Red crossbill at Tres Piedras, 2/20.

Spring crane migration has begun!

 Sandhills over 2 Peaks, 2/19.
 It was a windy, overcast day, but that didn't seem to affect them.
 I estimated about 1000 passed over between 2 and 5pm.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


 The winter river, 2/10.
 Winter sunset, Valdez, 2/11.
 Finally out into the mountains, 2/12.
Flag Mountain, 2/12.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

January's end.

 A blizzard of snow geese, Bernardo WMA, 1/31.
 Bald eagles waiting for sunrise, Bosque del Apache, 1/31.
 Sandhills dropping-in, Bernardo, 1/31.
Winter color, Bernardo, 1/31.

January sightings, 2016.

 Red-tail close-up and personal, 1/27.
 Sandhill cranes in the corn, Bernardo, 1/30.
 American widgeon, Socorro, 1/30.
Ring-necked duck, Socorro, 1/30.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

January sightings. Taos County, 2016.

This doesn't look like much but it is the wings-folded part of the undulating flight display of the male Golden eagle, signaling the start of the breeding season, January 21st.
 Muley buck in an apple orchard, 1/22.
 Great blue preening, 1/23.
 Common goldeneyes, Rio Grande, 1/23.
Common merganser, Rio Grande, 1/23.

January 2016, trip south, and Santa Fe.

 Pintail drake, Bernardo WMA, 1/8.
 Sandhill cranes in the corn, Bernardo, 1/8.
 Bushtits on a seed ball, Santa Fe, 1/15.
And a curve-billed thrasher.

December on the Rio Grande, short days, warm birds.

 Common Goldeneyes dive for invertebrates, 12/31.
 As do the always bobbing, and often singing Dippers, 1/3/16.
 One ram of the new herd of bighorns in the gorge, 1/4/16.
 A female Kingfisher, 1/4/16.
Wintering Bald eagles hunt fish and ducks, 1/6/16.

Back home, December in New Mexico

 I waited too long to pick these apples.
 Winter has arrived, Dec 15.
 Ferruginous hawk at 2 Peaks, 12/16.
 Western screech owl in Santa Fe, 12/23.
And a Ladder-backed woodpecker.