Saturday, September 27, 2014

Flight from Cambridge Bay, Victoria Island, Nunavut to Yellowknife, NW Territories

 Dease Strait pack-ice.

 Canadian shield north of Yellowknife.
Yellowknife, NWT

Varieties of pack-ice.

The shore of Victoria Island.

Tundra to Queen Maude Gulf, July 23

 The beauty and variety of ice forms is astounding.

North NW from Karrak to Queen Maude Gulf.

 First view of Queen Maude Gulf.

Helicopter flight over tundra, Karrak to Queen Maude Gulf, to Victoria Island.

 Incredible landforms.

Cambridge Bay, Victoria Island, Nunavut

 Red-necked phalarope.
 Red phalarope.
Copper Inuit tent ring.

Parting arctic shots.

Snow goose hatchling, June 27.
 Snow goose chicks.
 2 broods.
Sandhill crane chick.

Parting arctic images

 Semi-palmated plover on nest.
 Semi-palmated plover eggs.
Rock ptarmigan on nest.

Some parting arctic images

 White wolf at camp.
 Wolverine and Arctic fox.
Arctic fox pups

Tuesday, September 9, 2014