Sunday, November 17, 2013

October - Cape Cod

 Kettle pond in beech forest.
 Race Point roadside coyote.
Black racer fatality, Race Point.

Cape Cod Oct. 19 - Nov 17

Peregrine on pilgrim tower ledge (above gargoyle), Oct. 20.
 Lands end, Race Point.
Painted turtles, Beech Forest pond.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Arrival at Cape Cod, October 19th

October 19th - When I arrived at the Canal (The Big Ditch) I saw something dead on the road near where the herring run passes under the highway. I walked back and saw that it was a mink. Last time I was at this spot I found otter tracks above the herring run on the west (mainland) side of the canal.

Northwoods Passage

Ruffed grouse road casualty, WI.
 Serpent River, Ontario.
Adirondack beaver pond, NY.

Passage through the North woods

Kangaroo court in Hayward, WI bar.
 Fresh moose at Whitefish Point, MI

Friday, November 8, 2013

Snapper, sumac, and Swallow-tailed kites.

 A big snapper crossing the road at Ponca, Niabrara River, Nebraska.
 Sumac in Wisconsin.
Swallow-tailed kite diarama at the Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis.

A few photos from my 15 day, 3725 mile drive from Santa Fe to Cape Cod.

 Oct. 8 - Ocate, NM - Hundreds of these caterpillars crossing the road.
 Oct. 9 - Snowdrifts in W. Nebraska.
Prairie(?) rattler casualty W. Nebraska.